TL;DR:Yes, feeding deer in your yard is illegal in Florida. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) prohibits feeding deer to prevent the spread of diseases, such as Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), and to avoid altering natural behaviors. This regulation is in place to protect both wildlife and human populations.

Why Feeding Deer is Illegal in Florida

The primary reasons for prohibiting the feeding of deer in Florida revolve around health, safety, and ecological balance. These include:

1. Disease Prevention

Feeding deer can increase the risk of spreading diseases among the deer population. Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), a fatal neurological illness, is of particular concern. CWD spreads more rapidly when deer congregate at feeding sites.

2. Altered Natural Behaviors

Feeding deer can cause them to become habituated to humans, leading to a loss of their natural wariness. This can result in more frequent human-deer interactions, which can be dangerous for both parties. Deer may also become reliant on artificial food sources, disrupting their natural foraging behaviors and diet.

3. Environmental Impact

Supplemental feeding can negatively impact the environment. Overpopulated feeding areas can lead to overbrowsing, which degrades habitats and affects other wildlife species. This can cause a decline in biodiversity and ecosystem health.

Legal Framework

The regulations regarding feeding wildlife, including deer, are enforced by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC). According to the FWC, it is illegal to feed deer in Florida. The specific statute is designed to minimize risks associated with disease transmission and to maintain natural wildlife behaviors.

Exceptions and Enforcement

While the general prohibition on feeding deer is strict, there may be specific circumstances or research activities that could allow for exceptions under regulated conditions. Enforcement of these regulations involves wildlife officers monitoring and addressing violations to ensure compliance and protect public and ecological health.

Key Takeaways


  • Feeding deer in your yard is illegal in Florida.
  • The prohibition aims to prevent the spread of diseases like Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD).
  • Feeding deer can alter their natural behaviors and lead to ecological imbalances.
  • Regulations are enforced by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC).