Is It Illegal to Feed Deer in Your Yard in California?
TL;DR:Yes, it is illegal to feed deer in your yard in California. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) strictly prohibits the feeding of big game mammals, including deer, to prevent dependency on human-provided food, reduce the spread of diseases, and avoid dangerous human-wildlife interactions. Violators can face fines and penalties under California law.

Legal Framework

In California, the feeding of deer is governed by the California Code of Regulations (CCR). Specifically, Title 14, Section 251.1 of the CCR states that it is unlawful to feed big game mammals, which includes deer. The intent behind this regulation is to maintain the natural behaviors and diets of wildlife, prevent the spread of diseases, and reduce the risk of potentially dangerous encounters between wildlife and humans¹.

Reasons Behind the Ban

  1. Health and Safety of Wildlife: Feeding deer can lead to malnutrition or other health problems as they may consume inappropriate foods. Additionally, large gatherings of deer around feeding areas can increase the transmission of diseases such as Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD).
  2. Human-Wildlife Conflict: Feeding deer can lead to habituation, where deer lose their natural fear of humans. This increases the likelihood of dangerous interactions, property damage, and vehicle collisions.
  3. Ecological Impact: Providing food to deer disrupts their natural foraging behavior and can negatively impact local ecosystems. It can also attract predators to residential areas, posing additional risks.

Enforcement and Penalties

The CDFW enforces these regulations and individuals caught feeding deer can face fines and other penalties. The specific penalties can vary depending on the severity and frequency of the offense, but the goal is to discourage feeding practices and promote wildlife safety.

Local Ordinances

While state regulations provide a general prohibition, local ordinances may also apply. Some counties and municipalities might have additional rules or increased enforcement efforts. Residents should be aware of both state and local laws to ensure compliance.

Key Takeaways


  • It is illegal to feed deer in California as per Title 14, Section 251.1 of the California Code of Regulations.
  • Feeding deer can lead to health issues for the animals, increased human-wildlife conflicts, and ecological disruptions.
  • The California Department of Fish and Wildlife enforces these regulations, and violators can face fines.
  • Local ordinances may also have additional restrictions or penalties.
  • Resources

    ¹ California Code of Regulations. Title 14, Section 251.1